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What is inbound marketing and how to use it?

What is the concept of internal marketing?

Inbound marketing is a marketing method that aims to attract the largest number of customers to your profession by creating unique content and useful experiences that attract these audiences, rather than relying solely on sponsored ads.

In other words, internal marketing is an advertising company that markets products through blogs, websites, search engine optimization, and social media marketing, where internal marketing works to create a good environment to attract customers' attention to the company's website and give them educational tools. And opportunities to network in addition to your products by producing interesting and important content.

If you want to do an internal marketing campaign, you must initially choose the content well. This will be important to measure the success criteria of your marketing campaign during its running time. Therefore, do different promotional methods in order to be able to reach the largest number of customers for your products in various places around the world.

What is inbound marketing and how to use it

What is outbound marketing?

External marketing.. It is the way to reach the largest number of consumers through advertisements on visual media, as external marketing methods differ from advertising on television or through promotional calls that companies now make to promote their products or through e-mail messages.

The difference between internal marketing and external marketing

Outbound marketing reaches a large target group of customers thanks to the use of paid media, while inbound marketing aims to cover only your brand in different places through print or user-generated marketing content.

Types of external marketing

  • TV and radio advertising.
  • Telemarketing through promotional calls, such as what Vodafone and Orange companies are doing now.
  • Email marketing.
  • Advertisements in newspapers.
  • Websites and blogs such as: Blogger and WordPress.
  •   Social media sites.

The importance of internal marketing

Internal marketing helps to provide all the information that customers want when they search for a specific product, where the importance of internal marketing lies in the following points:

  • Keeping people updated on what the company is doing.
  • Good strategies for maintaining management contact with
  •  employees.
  •   Improve work environment and employee commitment.
  • Improve customer service by hiring more efficient customers.

The benefits of inbound marketing

Although the fruits of inbound marketing may be less in your view than other marketing techniques, it is important to know that it is more valuable and beneficial to your business in the long run. So we will explain to you some of the benefits of internal marketing.

1. Low expenses: Regardless of the development of the technology era in which we live now, but with less advertising spending and more focus on internal marketing only, you can save money for your business and achieve a large return on investment over time.

2. More credible: Internal marketing techniques help create useful and attractive content to reduce the amount of potential risks that consumers are exposed to from brands.

3. An opportunity to learn and renew: The process of interacting with customers on social media platforms and listening to their questions may help you better understand how to improve your products and services and develop yourself as well.

The difference between internal marketing and external marketing

Inbound Marketing Strategies

There are a lot of common ways to implement inbound marketing, but if you want to do an effective marketing strategy right then you need to follow these steps:

1. Attract visitors

The first stage lies in internal marketing strategies to attract the largest number of potential customers and make them aware of your business and the products that you offer, by:

  • Create engaging content

This is by creating good content and promoting it through the right channels, which is now the most effective way to attract potential customers.

  • SEO

Besides creating great content, you need to optimize that content in Google search engines so that it appears in front of the target audience at the right time.

  • Social media

Your target audience spends most of the time on multiple social media platforms, so I have to create an effective social media marketing strategy.

2. Converting a visitor into a potential customer

This stage includes obtaining more information about the visitors who access your content so that you can interact with them.

3. Customer delight

Internal marketing is not only about attracting customers to your business, but you must make customers very happy when they visit you so that they later turn into promoters of your business without your effort.

The happier your customers are, the more likely they are to leave great reviews about you and the products you offer, which will eventually attract more potential customers to your company.
