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The best free apps to help you sleep

If you're having trouble sleeping due to health issues, you can take advantage of a variety of tools and apps that help improve your sleep quality.

There are also sleep aids, such as sleeping pillows designed to provide proper support for the neck and spine, and humidifiers that help improve the air quality and humidity in a room.

You may also benefit from blackout curtains that block outside light and create a dark and quiet environment for sleeping, and dimmable, controllable lights can be used to set the optimal lighting in the bedroom.

Do not forget that before using any of these tools or applications, you should consult a doctor or health professional to receive appropriate advice and make sure that it is commensurate with your health condition.

The best free apps to help you sleep

Here are some tools and devices that can help you get the most relief:

Sunlight therapy devices

Sleep experts recommend getting 10 to 20 minutes of early morning sunlight a day to help improve sleep quality.

If it is not possible to go outside or in bad weather, the HappyLight device can be used, a device that produces light in the recommended amount for sunlight therapy, as a device for this device can be useful in relieving seasonal mood disorder and sleep disturbance caused by long travel or working in a regimen shifts.

Night mode

Sleep quality can be improved by staying away from devices that emit blue light rays approximately two hours before bedtime, as it is recommended to reduce the use of mobile phones and computers before bedtime or use blue light filters to reduce exposure to this type of light.

You can also activate Night Shift on Mac and iPhone devices, or use Dark Mode on Android devices, or activate Night Light mode if you are using a Windows computer.

By doing so, you'll reduce the blue glow emitted from screens, which helps regulate your sleep cycle and improve sleep quality.

Headspace app

Headspace is primarily a meditation app but also offers useful sleep features. The app is available on both Android and iOS platforms and helps improve sleep quality.

In the free version of the app, “sleepcasts” are offered, and they last between 45 and 55 minutes. These clips contain calming and relaxing sounds such as the sound of a train moving or walking in the gardens, and these sounds change for a new experience every night to avoid being bored.

If you subscribe to the paid version of the app, you can also listen to additional music designed specifically for meditation and promoting sleep.

With the Headspace app, you can take advantage of a variety of soothing sounds and directions to help you relax and improve your sleep quality.

Cost: Free, in addition to the possibility of obtaining a special premium account to obtain all services for $ 95 per year.

Noisli app

Noisli is one of the useful applications to help sleep, as this application is characterized by the variety of sounds available in it such as thunder, wind and liquid flow, which helps to create an atmosphere of calm and relaxation and visualize calming scenes.

Noisli can be used overnight, but the device must be connected to a power source to avoid draining the battery.

Noisli is available for free on its website, and there is also a paid app that costs less than $3. It is also available on Android and iOS platforms, allowing smartphone users to take advantage of it.

With the Noisli app, you can enjoy a variety of relaxing nature sounds to promote relaxation and improve your sleep quality.

Best sleep apps in 2023

Slumber app

Slumber is an application that displays a collection of music designed to help you relax and sleep peacefully, the application may focus specifically on meditative music and also includes 6 parts for bedtime, and you can choose the appropriate music for each part of it and you can also choose background sounds such as the sound of the sea or rain , and these sounds will play automatically after the selected album is finished.

You can use the app for free to listen to a limited amount of music, but you can also subscribe at a cost of $40 per year to get full access to all the content available in the app.

With the Slumber app, you can enjoy a variety of soothing music to meditate, relax and enhance your sleep quality.

Calm app

Calm is one of the best sleep aid apps available for Android and iOS device users. The app is easy to use and has a variety of albums suitable for all age groups. Calm is also considered by some celebrities which has increased its popularity.

With a free subscription to the app, a limited number of audio tracks are offered and if you subscribe, you will get full access to a huge audio library that includes meditation and sleep aids.

The program is offered free of charge for a limited period of 7 days, and the annual subscription costs only $70.

With the Calm app, you can take advantage of a wide variety of audio tracks for meditation and better sleep, and enjoy an easy-to-use interface.

Sleep cycle app

This app is not just a sleep app but a comprehensive guide that teaches you how to sleep properly. The app tracks your sleep patterns and provides you with comprehensive information to help you achieve a fast and deep sleep.

It also has an alarm that wakes you up from sleep gently without disturbing like regular alarms that may affect your sleep quality later on. However, we must remember that no application can provide 100% advice and solve all problems.

If you are suffering from real problems and this app does not help you, it is best that you consult a doctor for proper advice.

Sleepiest app

The Sleep app for kids on iPhone is a great option to help them fall asleep. The app offers bedtime stories with calming music effects to help kids relax and fall asleep, as well as audio meditation clips. There is also a simple alarm clock that reminds children of the appropriate bedtime.

The app has a free version that provides some basic content, you can also subscribe to the premium service which costs $10 per month or $50 per year and with a paid subscription, you will get full access to all the content available in the app.

With the sleep app for kids, you can create a relaxing environment for kids and help them relax and get ready for bed.
