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Urgent: The European Central Bank surprises the markets with its new interest rate decision - Sony announces the launch of its blockchain network

European Central Bank decisions now

The dollar is declining and the euro is rising.. What is happening in the financial market now?

The US dollar fell in the European market today after the release of US inflation data. At the same time, the euro rose against the US dollar from its last low before the European Central Bank meeting to set interest rates.

Market expectations were that the central bank would temporarily suspend the series of interest rate hikes after President Christine Lagarde hinted at such a move in late July.

However, expectations have since changed towards a 10th consecutive interest rate hike after a Reuters global report issued earlier this week indicated that European Central Bank policymakers expect inflation to remain in the euro zone.

The price of currencies against the dollar now

On the other hand, the Chinese yuan rose against the US dollar, reaching 7.2744, but the yuan remained a long way from its lowest levels in 10 months recently, as this comes due to the efforts of the People’s Bank of China to enhance the value of the currency through a series of strong daily reforms.

The Japanese Yen against the US Dollar also fell to 147.10, with the Yen continuing to trade above its lowest levels.

While the British pound currency pair against the US dollar rose to 1.2494 levels, while the US dollar currency pair against the Australian dollar rose to 0.6440.

European Central Bank decisions now

After six consecutive sessions since the beginning of this year, the European Central Bank decided today, Thursday, September 14, to raise interest rates.

This decision came as a surprise to the markets, which expected the bank to continue keeping interest rates unchanged, as this decision comes within the framework of the European Central Bank's efforts to control the high inflation rate in the euro zone.

The European Central Bank's monetary policy statement is scheduled to be issued at a later date to provide more detailed clarifications about the economic situation in the euro area.

Why did gold prices fall after the release of US inflation data?

Why did gold prices fall after the release of US inflation data?

Gold prices witnessed a volatile trading session today after the release of US inflation data, and this matter ultimately led to a decline in gold prices and an increase in the losses incurred by the precious metal in the previous session.

During today's trading, spot gold prices decreased by approximately $1,912.77 per ounce, while gold futures prices recorded $1,935.15 per ounce.

Sony's blockchain network

In a strategic move that highlights Japan's commitment to adopting future technology at a rapid pace, technology giant Sony announced its partnership with a Singapore-based web company.

The main goal of this partnership is to develop a joint blockchain network between the two companies, which will be the access point to the global web infrastructure. The joint venture has been named “Sony Network Communications Labs Pte.Ltd.”

Using Sony's expertise in the fields of communications, entertainment and artificial intelligence, the partnership now aims to foster innovation across a variety of industries. In this way, Sony will be able to effectively enter the web era and strengthen its position in this field once again.
