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What is LinkedIn Business Manager and LinkedIn Campaign Manager

What is LinkedIn Business Manager and LinkedIn Campaign Manager

What is LinkedIn Business Manager and LinkedIn Campaign Manager

LinkedIn is considered one of the most important social media platforms for professionals to interact, share and advance their careers. It is no exaggeration to say that it has completely revolutionized how people communicate and search for jobs.

No matter your career stage, a strong LinkedIn presence can make a huge impact on your competition in today's professional landscape.

LinkedIn is the perfect social network for professional growth. LinkedIn Business Manager and LinkedIn Campaign Manager are an excellent solution for large companies and marketing agencies to simplify the management of ad accounts, pages and people.

In this comprehensive guide to learning on LinkedIn you'll learn everything you need to learn about the system and use it effectively to maximize your productivity.

LinkedIn Business Manager

Let's start by understanding the basics before we claim that you are a LinkedIn Business Manager pro.

Last year, LinkedIn launched its Business Manager platform. It is a comprehensive and free-to-use tool that enables companies and marketers to efficiently manage their accounts and advertising pages on LinkedIn through a single control panel. This tool greatly improves the experience of managing LinkedIn pages that were usually managed from Through users' personal accounts on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Business Manager makes granting permissions simple, allows shared audience sharing across ad accounts, and promotes secure collaboration by managing partnerships.

This tool greatly facilitates the marketing processes of businesses of all sizes, as they can streamline their advertising efforts, reach their target audience more effectively, and achieve measurable results with greater efficiency and accuracy.

LinkedIn Campaign Manager

Are you looking to improve and increase the efficiency of your LinkedIn Ads management? Are you looking for a reliable way to predict the results of your LinkedIn ad campaigns?

In this article, you'll learn how to take advantage of eight useful features in LinkedIn Campaign Manager, including the reach and frequency prediction tool.

LinkedIn has launched a forecasting tool for Campaign Manager, with the aim of helping advertisers estimate results and plan their budgets.

To access this feature, go to the Campaign Manager and click to create a new campaign. Once you select the campaign goal, the Expected Results window will automatically appear in the top right corner. This window will display your target audience size, expected budget over 30 days, and your expected results.

If you want to examine in depth the types of audiences your campaign will reach, just click “Show Segments” and use the drop-down menu to switch between different segments. Using this tool, you will be able to view details about users’ jobs, experience levels, and interests.

Upgrade your LinkedIn account and use Business Manager

LinkedIn Business Manager is a free service that offers an amazing set of features that can make your life easier, especially if you're managing multiple LinkedIn ad campaigns or collaborating with your marketing team.

This service is undoubtedly useful for marketers who manage multiple business pages or ad accounts, and with LinkedIn Business Manager you can manage all these aspects from one easy-to-use interface.

Collaborating with other businesses is also easy, as you can share access to a specific company's accounts or pages by adding them as partners in Business Manager.

Features of LinkedIn Business Manager

One of the unique functions of this platform is its ability to easily add or remove people across all accounts and ad pages. Marketers know well the importance of giving the right people the right permissions and this tool provides security across various accounts.

Another excellent reason to utilize this service is the ability to share relevant audiences across ad campaigns. If your campaign has been successful with a specific audience in certain campaigns, you can easily share that audience with other accounts. Targeting the right audience on LinkedIn is key to the success of your marketing campaigns. Your own.

How to use LinkedIn Business Manager

LinkedIn Business Manager is flexible, allowing brands and agencies to create a system that fits their unique needs.

A brand can choose one global business manager to manage all regions and business units, or it can have multiple business managers, each working in a different region or business unit.

With a single Business Manager account, global businesses can run advertising accounts with different billing and currency settings.

For small businesses, setting up LinkedIn Business Manager can be simple and uncomplicated.

How to use ad accounts on LinkedIn Business Manager

LinkedIn Business Manager can be an excellent way to manage one company's advertising accounts so that other individuals can access them. Ideally, the official owner of the account will be the company that manages the billing operations, and if an agreement is reached between the parties, LinkedIn can help transfer ownership of the advertising account.

Additionally, there is more than one way to add ad accounts to LinkedIn Business Manager, depending on whether the ad account belongs to you personally or belongs to another company.

The ultimate guide to LinkedIn Learning

What's the difference between LinkedIn Business Manager and LinkedIn Campaign Manager?

LinkedIn Campaign Manager is where you can manage all of your advertising activity on LinkedIn and you'll find it within your LinkedIn Business Manager, linked to any advertising accounts you have access to.

What you can see in LinkedIn Campaign Manager:

1. All of your advertising campaigns, whether active or inactive.

2. Total current monthly spending and historical spending on LinkedIn Ads.

3. Status of ads and whether they are active or not.

4. Ad performance, including statistics and information regarding the number of views, clicks and other interactions.

5. Target audiences for your advertising campaigns.

6. Reports and analyzes that help you understand how your campaigns are performing and improve them.

7. Track conversions and actions your audience takes after interacting with your ads.

8. The possibility of conducting tests and testing different advertising strategies.

9. Your account settings and billing center.

Final Thoughts

LinkedIn Business Manager is a powerful solution that simplifies workflow for users and audiences across a variety of accounts. It's especially useful if you're dealing with multiple clients or if you're looking for more control over your advertising campaigns.

Thus, we come to the end of this comprehensive guide to LinkedIn Business Manager and now it's time to explore this central platform for yourself, but remember that you don't have to be a business owner or a LinkedIn expert to take advantage of the practical features that Business Manager offers.
